Friday, August 24, 2012

Something amazing...Grace

Trace the Grace!

The second you are born you are immersed, ankle deep, in the vast ocean of God's grace. It is a beautiful common grace that all humans experience. The ability to enjoy the gifts that God has lavished on sinful men: fresh spring days, a soft rain, a kiss from a loved one, the smell of hamburgers grilling, a warm shower, the ability to forgive...and breath.  All of these things are evidences that God has extended grace to all mankind.

He draws you, he calls you by name, and you decide whether or not to go deeper into the rolling  ocean of His grace.  Then you find yourself almost drowning. Drowning. Deeply submerged in the never ending, vast ocean of God's grace.  It saturates you, holds you, and it carries you through each second.  You become ever aware of the fact that if you had not waded in... you would be lost.
Celebrate. Fill your hands with the deep, blue ocean and splash around in the grace! Lift your hands and yell, "AMAZING! AMAZING GRACE!"
Then it happens...a loved one dies,  a child rebels, your health fails,  your husband loses his job, or for some reason you lose hope. You forget you are immersed in the deep ocean of grace.  You look around, desperate for help, and that needed help comes in the form of a powerful wave.  It overwhelms you and takes your breath away...and you remember.  The huge rolling wave of grace engulfs you. It splashes through you, filling your nostrils so you can barely breath...and yet it fills you with life, strength, and calm.  You are lifted and carried through the worst days. And then you remember the ocean you are standing in.  The ocean of God's grace! 

Be aware. Notice it. Look back over your life and trace the grace! It's a gift. It's what carries you.  Notice the waves that wash over you.  Be aware! Open your eyes to the flood of God's grace!
God's grace. It empowers you. It empowers you to be who God made you to be! It carries you. It carries you every second, minute, and hour of every day! Our best days are filled with undeserved GRACE. Our hardest days are filled with and extra amount of undeserved GRACE! All because we are standing in the ocean.
Be overwhelmed and drown in the powerful, unstoppable, crashing waves of God's amazing grace!
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

what I read today

What If Your Husband is Not a Believer?

So my inbox is filling up with “Dear Courtney” questions and I feel like we are playing a game called “Stump the Blogger”! lol! Some of your questions are really really really hard – I think I need to be 80 with a PHD to answer them! But none the less – I’ll give them my best shot!  Here’s the first Dear Courtney post of the series!
Dear Courtney
I’m a new Christian and my husband is NOT a believer. I have read Proverbs 31 and 1 Peter but find it really hard to put into practice. I do pray that my husband will come to know God but I want to know how to be a good example to him to encourage and inspire him to seek The Lord. Any suggestions?
Natalie, 35, London, ENGLAND

Oh Sweet Natalie – I get this question a lot…you are not alone.  Long ago, I posted this blog post written by my real life friend Deanna on How to Thrive in a Spiritually Mismatched Marriage.  I hope that her writing will encourage you:
Deanna writes~
An unequally yoked marriage is a difficult path to walk. But I want to encourage you by saying that one can have a happy, fulfilling marriage with an unbelieving husband. You do not just have to survive your spiritually mismatched marriage, but you can actually thrive in the midst of it.
On November 14th, I (Deanna) celebrated 28 years of marriage with my beloved unbeliever. God has had to do a mighty work in my heart and I have come to know my Lord and Savior intimately as God has taught me how to be a godly wife to a man who had no interest in spiritual things. My life verse has been, “I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13)
As I reflect back over the years I would like to share with you some of the Pitfalls to having a marriage that thrives:
First, I had a “Holier Than Thou Attitude”. I esteemed myself above him because I was a Christian and he was not!! Oh my!!! God’s word says:Phil 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others.”
Second, I had a judgmental attitudeI was often mentally critical of his actions and words. I felt since my husband did not seek God, how could he speak into my life! I used sarcasm as a weapon. I played the martyr and treated my marriage as a cross I must bear for being unequally yoked. I did not treat my husband with respect. Ephesians does not give us an option on respecting our husbands. It does not say “ifhe deserves it” or “if you feel like it”,” if he is a Christian or not”- just to respect our husbands- period! (Ephesians 5:33 “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”)

My focus was on my circumstances.
I focused on the negative attributes of my husband.

 focused on my pain and heartache
 I felt when I was sitting in the church pewalone…again. Looking around with envy at all the couples wishing my husband was next to me.
focused on the burden of being the spiritual leader in my home. I focused on not having the spiritual under girding from him because sometimes moral support was not enough.
I focused on my children not having a godly dad. I focused on the weight of teaching and nurturing the spiritual upbringing of our children.
focused on the pain and despair felt when my teenage son decided not to go to church and his excuse was “Dad doesn’t, so neither am I”
focused on the fear that would well up inside of me when I faced the reality that my husband may never accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. This fear fueled my tactics of manipulation and scheming in an attempt to get my husband to see his need of a Savior! Before I knew it, I felt responsible for his salvation!!!
focused on my loneliness and spiritual isolation.
focused on the deep, deep heartache of not being able to share anything spiritual with my husband. Yes, I could tell him how God answered prayer or how God’s word touched my heart, but he does not understand. (1 Corinthians 2:14)
I focused on the longing I had for the day we could worship and rejoice together over God’s blessings to us.
All these desires and strong emotions are valid and real, but my focus was wrong. My focus had to change from my circumstances to Jesus. I was tired of being miserable. I wanted that abundant life that I read about in the Bible. I began to cry out to God and asked Him to change my heart. I asked God to help me die to self and began to consciously choose to yield and be submissive to God. This allowed me take on a submissive attitude with my husband also.

I prayed for God to renew my love and passion for my husband. I prayed for God to show me how to respect my husband when I did not feel like it or feel he deserved it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I was able to love and serve my husband with joy, placing his needs above my own. When I am feeling frustrated, lonely or angry I cry out to my Rock and Redeemer. In Christ I can be gentle and kind, desiring to be a blessing to my man. When I fail, I ask for forgiveness and try again. 1 John 1:9, Ps 116:1-2
So, how do you deal with a husband who doesn’t believe but you do? 1Peter 3: 1-4 says, “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words, by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Abiding in Christ enables a believing wife to live with and thrive in a happy marriage with her unbelieving husband. It is about a daily, sometimes minute by minute laying down of selfish ways, forgiveness, not neglecting God’s word or quiet time with your Savior and being obedient to God’s word- and pray, pray, pray. (John 15)
Here are some practical ways to apply God’s word:
1. I am paraphrasing 1 Peter 3:1, Keep your lips zipped. Allow your actions to speak of God’s love. Wait for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to use your words.
2. Read or study your bible, visit with Christian friends or teach your children godly principles when he is not around.
3. “Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Cor 11:3 It is very important for your husband to know he comes BEFORE church activities and friends.
4. Take your frustration, anger, loneliness or hurt feelings to God first.Pour your heart out to Him and allow Christ to quiet your heart and heal your wounds. Then, if necessary, address the issue with your husband. (Ps 62:8)
For more encouragement, I recommend the book “Beloved Unbeliever” by Jo Berry
Do not give up hope. After 27 years of prayer my husband accepted Christ as his Savior!!!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

20 Things I Want To Tell Engaged And Newlywed Women {Really All Married Women}

 1. Marriage is made up of two good forgivers. Because every marriage is made up of two sinners. (Romans 3:23)
2. At some point, you will have to learn that life isn’t all about you. (Philippians 2:3)
3. Don’t listen to women that tell you that passion fades…it doesn’t have to! (um…all of Song of Solomon)
4. Don’t give up. Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13)
5. He wants a kind wife, not a maid or another mother. Be nice. (Galatians 5:22-23)
6. Give your husband the gift of your respect.  He needs it more than you know. (Ephesians 5:33)
7. Be mindful of your expectations.
8. Honor the Lord above all things. Colossians 3: 17
9. Find your worth and security in the Lord, and don’t look to your husband to meet all of your needs.
10. Be very careful about reading romance novels, they set you up for an unrealistic view of romance.
11. Real romance is finding that one spot in the crook of his arm to snuggle into, that shared look over the dinner table when the kids are acting crazy, and the way he fixes the leaky sink when he is dog-tired after work.
12. Love is about relationship.  The more I love my husband, and seek a relationship with him, the less critical and duty-bound I become.  It is similar to my relationship with God.
13. Be thankful for the husband you have. Accept him as he is, not for what you want him to be.
14. Don’t compare!! Don’t buy into the game of comparing him with anyone else’s husband.
15.The Biblically “normal” marriage is filled with joy, connection, laughter, and peace. It’s not free of hurt feelings and conflict, but they know how to process their pain with one another so that they live more often in a meadow than at the scene of a train wreck.  This is not the average marriage, but it normal – -because it is a visible display of Jesus’ relationship with His bride (Ephesians 5:22-33).
16. Your marriage is a testimony! “The #1 evangelistic tool in America (the world) today is a successful marriage, because it’s a living miracle!” – Dr. Joe Aldrich, former president of Multnomah Bible College.
17. Pray for your marriage. Pray hard.
18.I’ve heard that is gets better with age.  I have to say in my short {13 year} experience, that is so true.
19. Where there is God, there is always hope. Even for the most broken marriages. “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
20.Marriage is commitment and sacrifice. But it’s also the best, most wild ride you will ever have with your best friend.